The key is crafted from recycled Native New Zealand Rimu veneerboard, medium density fibreboard (mdf), Gaboon veneer plywood and embellished with NZ Paua shell.
Design Inspiration
Te Manaia, the guardian spirit plays an important roll in the Maori World. To Maori, every person on Earth has a guardian spirit which can be described as an unseen light surrounding each individual. During life, this guardian is a protector from evil and untimely accident. At death the guardian guides the spirit of the departed person safely to a spiritual doorway where it is re-united with the ancestors from the ancient homeland of Hawaaiki. Te Manaia are usually depicted in side profile symbolizing their role as messengers (i.e. part in the spirit world and part in the earthly world).They normally have the head of a bird (sky), the body of a man (earth) and the tail of a fish (sea) symbolic of the spiritual balance they have between the realms.The three fingers and toes have varied tribal meanings. To some they represent birth, life and death, to others they represent the three baskets of knowledge and yet to others faith, hope and love. Sometimes Te Manaia is depicted with a fourth finger symbolizes the afterlife.
Size: 37cm x 13cm x 2.5cm (HxLxW)